
The events that occurred somewhere between last week and today…

Friday, 4.30.07

Many of them are kind of blurry, through a haze of boulevard keg beer from the kegerator, Jager Bombs after each successive gambling victory and a band called Jackyl you’d think my weekend was complete. But Tuesday came and still I felt the remnants of what could be called a pretty good time.

I can’t remember Thursday night amounting to much, a lot of the same ‘ol same ‘ol. But Friday night was a little crazier, Saturday was insane and Sunday, we’ll just call Sunday overkill.

Friday night Lawrence had to work overnight and seeing as he’s my usual weekend partner in “rippin’ it up” I had to find other things to attend to. Bodega’s was pretty much status quo, but Eugene was calling me every ten minutes from Wayne, Neb. Wanting to talk about something and I told him I’d call him at one. Closing time rolls around and I call him back and he asks if I’ll be awake in two hours if he comes to Lincoln. In true party fashion I said I’d be ready to start doing some serious partying and I regrouped myself for a much longer night than I had anticipated. After a pit stop at an after hours over by 27th and Holdredge where one of the night’s themes was throwing saltines at a ceiling fan, I made it to Gilbert’s where we were all supposed to meet up.

Eugene is all about the gambling, but he’s also about taking his damn time and he didn’t even show up until close to 4. We tried to drink until Lawrence got off work, but 6 was just too far away from 8 to make it. In hindsight it was a good idea since Saturday was where the real action was waiting.

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